Wayne Gendel, Author at NaturallySavvy.com https://naturallysavvy.com/author/wayne-gendel/ Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Tue, 23 May 2023 19:21:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/benefits-of-a-raw-food-diet/ Thu, 23 Apr 2020 05:00:50 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/benefits-of-a-raw-food-diet/ A raw foodist is an individual who consumes primarily unprocessed, preferably organic, whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted beans and grains, dried fruit, seaweeds, freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, purified water (by reverse osmosis), and young coconut milk. Non-vegan Raw Foodists also consume raw dairy products like raw milk & […]

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A raw foodist is an individual who consumes primarily unprocessed, preferably organic, whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted beans and grains, dried fruit, seaweeds, freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, purified water (by reverse osmosis), and young coconut milk. Non-vegan Raw Foodists also consume raw dairy products like raw milk & cheese. Some even include raw fish (sashimi); however, this should not comprise more than 10-15% of the diet.

Food Prep for a Raw Diet

Food preparation techniques include sprouting seeds, grains, and beans; juicing fruit and vegetables; soaking nuts and dried fruit; blending and dehydrating food. The practitioner should not heat 80% of food consumed over 116 degrees F. Raw animal foods are very safe provided proper purchasing and preparation techniques are followed.

Equipment needed to prepare Raw/Living foods includes:

  • A dehydrator which is a device that blows air on food at temperatures less than 118 degrees F.
  • A good-quality juicer for juicing fruit and vegetables.
  • A blender, food processor, or chopper to save preparation time.
  • Large glass containers to soak and sprout seeds, grains, and beans.
  • Mason jars for storing sprouts and other food.
  • A small food processor such as a powerful coffee grinder.
  • A reverse osmosis water purification system.

Why Choose a Raw Diet?

There are many reasons to consider a raw foods diet. For example, our body needs less energy to digest and process raw living foods.

Other benefits of a raw food diet include:

  • have more energy
  • a lower heart rate
  • better athletic performance with enhanced flexibility, endurance, speed, and strength
  • clearer thinking, deeper meditation, feel more positive, more spiritual, motivated and alive
  • better overall health, faster healing and recovery time
  • fewer medical expenses and aches, pains
  • stronger immune system and balanced pH
  • maintain a balanced blood profile (cholesterol, triglycerides…)
  • senses are greatly enhanced: smell, touch, taste, and hearing
  • smoother softer skin & clear sparkling eyes
  • no body odor or bad breath
  • teeth stay clean longer with raw foods
  • natural weight management
  • reduced food cravings – eating better quality foods with more complete assimilation
  • lighter menses with fewer cramps
  • simpler and faster food preparation
  • more self-sufficient by growing and making more of your own foods
  • greener and more eco friendly, by using less canned, packed and processed foods which leaves a smaller carbon footprint

Possible Side Effects

Some people experience detoxification reactions when they start the raw food diet, especially if their previous diet was rich in meat, sugar, processed foods, and caffeine. Mild headaches, nausea, cravings, and fatigue can also occur but usually last for several days only. Slowly adding more raw foods to your current diet over a period of 2-3 weeks can avoid, or greatly minimize most detoxification symptoms.

Many people overeat fats to get the full feeling on a raw food diet. Junk food is still junk food. Fats in any diet should be no more than 20% of calories consumed and ideally good fats (essential fatty acids, omega 3 & 6) like avocado or olive oil.

Some critics claim it takes more time to prepare raw foods. If you eat packaged food that you pop in a microwave oven, then, yes, that might be true. Making elaborate raw food dishes takes the same or less time than cooking, and uses much less energy! For example, a healthy fruit shake for lunch, or a big salad for dinner, takes 5-10 minutes.


The raw food diet may need to be 'modified' for certain people. Sometimes nutritional deficiencies can occur with the raw food diet, including calcium, iron, vitamin B12, protein, and calories. A vitamin B12 deficiency can be avoided by consuming certain superfoods, fermented foods, or occasionally (monthly) eating some animal foods in moderation.

Taking a quality whole food and/or probiotic supplement also helps. Protein deficiencies can be corrected by consuming more superfoods such as spirulina and moringa, or occasionally eating some animal foods. If you have insufficient calories, eat more fruits and veggies!

People that should consider a modified raw food diet include: people who are ill or have weakened immune systems; pregnant or nursing women; people with anemia; high endurance athletes; and children.

Some people adapt quickly to a raw food diet, however, most people become accustomed to a raw living foods lifestyle within 3-18 months. Adapting to eating raw food also depends on age, health and lifestyle factors. It is important to learn about which foods can help balance and maintain optimum health to live comfortably and easily within the 80% requirement of raw living, fresh foods. Try it, you will feel much healthier and have more energy!

Read next:

The Health Benefits of Moringa

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Proper Food Combining For Energy https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/proper-food-combining-for-energy/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:36:50 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/proper-food-combining-for-energy/ Have you ever eaten a big, filling meal, loaded with energy, only to feel exhausted and drained afterwards? Isn’t it strange that a five-course affair that ought to give you energy for hours will often make you want to crawl into bed? Your body uses different amounts of different enzymes to digest various foods. Overloading […]

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Have you ever eaten a big, filling meal, loaded with energy, only to feel exhausted and drained afterwards? Isn’t it strange that a five-course affair that ought to give you energy for hours will often make you want to crawl into bed?

Your body uses different amounts of different enzymes to digest various foods. Overloading it with too many types of food can make it more complicated and harder for your body to digest, prolonging digestion and sapping your energy. Most people eat 4 or 5 different foods at a meal. Think of a huge holiday meal, or a dinner out at a restaurant. Think of appetizers, salad, then the main meal of meat, potatoes, butter, bread, and then dessert, coffee and cake. Then think of how that low-energy feeling sets in.

Of course the occasional celebration is fine, but over eating and being overweight may actually be a major cause of aging1. The longer food stays in the body, the more toxins are created. Slower-digesting food-butter, oils-slows down faster-digesting food, such as fruit. This causes aches, gas, bloating, pains, gout, ulcers, arthritis, acid reflux, body odor, bad breath and constipation.

Read more about heartburn and acid reflux

Improve Digestion Through Food Combining

It is common sense that the longer food is in our bodies, the more energy our bodies use to process and digest it. Food combining is the practice of eating more quicker-digesting foods in general, and carefully planning when we eat slower-digesting foods. Ideally, 80% of our diet should be fast-digesting foods that digest within 2 hours such as fruits and vegetables. Twenty percent of our diet can be heavier, slower-digesting foods such as proteins, fats and starches that take 3-4 hours.

Liquids are the fastest-digesting things you can put in your body. They are through the stomach in about 10 minutes and leave your body within hours. More than a few ounces of any liquid at a meal dilutes our powerful digestive enzymes and will slow down digestion. Therefore, it is best to wait an hour (or longer) after a meal to drink fluids. Solid foods take much longer to process, as fiber takes some time to be broken down.

Food Categories

Food combining categorizes foods according to their approximate digestion time:

  • Raw Fresh Fruit: ~30 minutes to digest. There are 4 subcategories of fruits
    • Melons – due to high water content, they digest within 20-30 minutes.
    • Acid – digest in 30 minutes. Include citrus, pineapples, sour apples, sour plums, sour peaches, tangerines, and tomatoes.
    • Sub Acid – digest in 30 minutes. Include apricots, blueberries, huckleberries, strawberries, nectarines, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, mangos, elderberries, olives, fresh figs, sweet apples, cherries, peaches, plums, persimmons, and grapes.
    • Sweet – digest in 45 minutes. Include bananas, dates, sweet grapes, pears, prunes, raisins, and dried figs
  • Raw Fresh Vegetables: 1 hour to digest. Include lettuces, greens, celery, cucumber, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, etc.
  • Cooked Vegetables: 1-2 hours to digest.
  • Cooked Starches: 2.5 – 3 hours to digest. Include all grains such as pasta and breads, and vegetable starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, etc.
  • Fats: 3 hours to digest. Include avocado, nuts, seeds, oils.
  • Protein: 4 hours to digest. Include meat, fish, seafood, eggs, chicken, etc.

Read more about whether vegetables are healthier raw or cooked

Meal Combinations

Here are some set meals, ranked for their ease of digestion on a scale from 1 (best) to 7 (worst):

  1. A Mono Meal – 1 type of fruit or 1 type of raw vegetable. I recommend no more than 2 pounds of food per meal. So, for example: 2 pounds of grapes or 2 pounds of greens would constitute a mono meal.
  2. Multiple Vegetables or Fruits (of the same category: melons, acid, sub-acid, sweet).
  3. Multiple Raw Vegetables (i.e. a salad)
  4. Raw Veggies + Healthy Raw Fats (avocado, or nuts, or seeds, or fresh pressed oils)
  5. Raw Veggies + Healthy Raw Fats + Cooked Starches (root veggies, or sweet potato, or squash, or yams).
  6. Veggies + Healthy Raw Fats + Protein (4-6 ounces)
  7. Veggies + Fats + Protein + Carbs + Dessert! Most people eat in this category. Very difficult on the body to digest and too many combinations!

Whatever level you are currently eating at, try to move one higher level up. For example, if you are regularly eating at level 7, try to eat more meals in level 6 or 5. Even removing one food that you regularly consume a lot of can enhance digestion. By eating three to four smaller meals a day, with fewer combinations and allowing 4 hours between meals, you can have better digestion and more energy! So keep it simple to live strong, long and stay healthy!

References: ezinearticles.com/?Is-Your-Food-Aging-You?&id=517101

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Skin Brushing for Vibrant Health https://naturallysavvy.com/care/skin-brushing-for-vibrant-health/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:32:38 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/skin-brushing-for-vibrant-health/ Dry brushing your skin is an excellent way to clean and take care of your body. Brushing helps combat and prevent illness, increase energy and circulation, and recover from injuries. Skin brushing is also an excellent way to warm up before athletic events, yoga or any fitness activity. Have you noticed when you exercise and […]

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Dry brushing your skin is an excellent way to clean and take care of your body. Brushing helps combat and prevent illness, increase energy and circulation, and recover from injuries. Skin brushing is also an excellent way to warm up before athletic events, yoga or any fitness activity.

Have you noticed when you exercise and have a good sweat going that if you don't shower within an hour or so, you start to feel bad? This is caused by the sweat and toxins being reabsorbed into the skin, and preventing the skin from breathing. However, if you shower soon after exercising, you feel better.

The skin is your largest elimination organ. It releases up to two pounds of toxins daily! Skin brushing removes toxins released by your skin and reduces the load on other elimination organs, such as the liver, lungs, and kidneys. Skin brushing boosts your immune system by stimulating the lymph system to produce more white blood cells. White blood cells help our bodies fight invasions from harmful diseases.

The lymph system plays a major role in eliminating waste materials from our bodies. We have three times more lymph fluid than blood (45 pints compared to 15 pints of blood). In older and chronically ill people, the lymph becomes thick like cottage cheese and doesn’t flow well. Skin brushing helps break down thick lymph fluids to a consistency closer to water. The thinner consistency circulates more easily to remove waste materials. However, the lymph system has no pump like the heart for the blood system. We need to exercise, stretch, or perform some type of movement like yoga to help the lymph fluid circulate and prevent it from getting too thick and clogged. This prevents stagnation, settling, and accumulation of waste products in our muscles, organs, and joints which causes soreness, arthritis, poor muscle tone, cellulite, and poor blood circulation.

Read more about exercise and they lymphatic system

Skin brushing cleans the skin, but more thoroughly than with soap, and without disrupting the skin’s pH balance. In addition, this fast and simple technique accelerates the removal of toxins from the body in a natural way by stimulating the immune system, and increasing blood and lymph circulation. Increasing circulation also boosts your energy, which makes it a great way to start the day.

I recommend dry brushing the skin first thing in the morning. The morning is an excellent time to do it because toxins accumulate in the body during sleep. The dry brushing technique significantly increases blood and lymph circulation which helps eliminate these toxins, and makes you feel alert and awake. Men and women also notice they no longer need to use skin moisturizers when they brush regularly. Brushing helps bring new skin cells to the surface and unclogs the skin’s pores to improve skin breathing. This encourages oil glands to release more of the body’s natural protective and moisturizing oils. Dry brushing should take approximately 5-10 minutes a day, 5-6 times per week. Brushing can be done 2 times a day if you are on a general detoxification program, or to eliminate the effects of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or other bad habits. We only need soap for our underarm, rectal, genital and facial areas.

Brushing is always done dry, either before showering or before your morning exercise routine to warm up the muscles and prevent injuries.  Skin brushing is done by starting from the feet and proceeding up the legs. Then do the back, the stomach and chest area. Always brush in the direction of the heart because lymph flows upwards. Once you reach the heart area, brush down the arms, the underarms, and the back of the neck. Finish with brushing the top of the chest, staying directly off the breast nipple, and finally very lightly on the sides of the neck in a downward motion. Look for a 'dry skin brush' made of natural vegetable fibers (as opposed to nylon or anything harsh). [Note: Avoid brushing over tumors, and open or inflamed skin areas.]

Read more about how to have glowing skin for all seasons

Give yourself one to two weeks to get accustomed to dry skin brushing. For many, the stiff natural vegetable fibers may seem too hard in the beginning. I have recommended skin brushing for years, and my clients enjoy to the energy boost, clearer mind and feeling of aliveness they experience.

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How to Cleanse Your Liver for Good Health https://naturallysavvy.com/care/cleanse-your-liver-for-good-health/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:02:11 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/cleanse-your-liver-for-good-health/ Our bodies are amazing. Even while we're sleeping, they're rebuilding themselves. New blood cells. New bone cells. New tissue cells. New brain cells. It's truly out with the old and in with the new each year. Of course, some tissue takes longer to replace than others. The liver, for example, needs regeneration every three weeks […]

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Our bodies are amazing. Even while we're sleeping, they're rebuilding themselves. New blood cells. New bone cells. New tissue cells. New brain cells. It's truly out with the old and in with the new each year. Of course, some tissue takes longer to replace than others. The liver, for example, needs regeneration every three weeks or so. But do you know how to cleanse your liver?

As one of the largest organs in the body, the liver is busy 24/7 performing many important jobs. The liver circulates your blood through the body 1,200 times a day. It cleanses the body of toxins and bacteria, produces bile to help digest food and break down fats, gathers and stores important nutrients, such as glycogen and vitamins for our bodies to use later, and balances our hormones.

With such a key role, it's critical for the liver to stay healthy. And that's why it needs to rebuild itself so often. But while the liver is an amazing organ, it can't do everything itself. It needs your help every day.

Read more about tips to improve digestion

Sluggish Liver Symptoms

The first thing is to listen, because your liver, throughout the regeneration process, sends out signals when all is not well. Indigestion, constipation, moodiness, depression, impaired concentration, poor memory, foggy brain – these are all signals that point to a sluggish liver. Even conditions such as hay fever, hives, skin rashes, and asthma are signs that action is needed. Then there is hypoglycemia (unstable blood sugar levels), dizziness and light headaches – these are also symptoms your liver could be in asking for help. Most people eat heavier fattier foods in the winter, so spring is an excellent time to cleanse the liver.

Beware of Body Care Products

Unfortunately, many body care products such as lotions, cosmetics, and perfumes contain unwanted harmful chemicals that enter the blood stream in minutes. Some of the harmful chemicals actually mimic hormones and are referred to as xeno-estrogens or hormone disruptors. Extra synthetic hormones are the last thing the liver needs, as it already works hard enough. These chemicals are known to cause havoc with infertility, lead to difficult pregnancies, and can effect menstrual cycles. Most health stores carry natural brands, and more and more general supermarkets and pharmacies also carry natural products.

Liver Cleanse

Like the colon, the liver is begging for to cleanse. But don't worry – it's easy to do. These recipes cleanse the liver and promote detoxification. They also stimulate bile production, cleanse the stomach and bowel, and stimulate bowel motion.

A.M. Liver Cleanse

  • 1 large grapefruit
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon of organic cold pressed olive oil
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • dash of cayenne pepper (optional)

Squeeze the juice of the grapefruit and lemon into a blender. Next, grate the ginger and squeeze this into the juice. Add the water and oil, then blend for 30 seconds. Add more ginger.

This juice contains all the most potent ingredients to cleanse your liver, giving a gentle flush. For best results, drink it 60 minutes before breakfast.

If you're pressed for time and want to keep it simple, try one of these options instead:

Hot Grapefruit Water Cleanse

  • 3.5 cups warm water
  • 0.5 cup fresh grapefruit juice

Hot Lemon Water Cleanse

  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 ounce of fresh lemon or lime

Read more about reasons to start your day with lemon water

Liver cleansing is a good way to flush out toxins, but nutrient-rich fuel that can, and will, prevent problems in the first place is a must for avoiding liver function problems in the first place.

Image: Marta Diarra

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Natural Radiation Detox Program https://naturallysavvy.com/care/natural-radiation-detox-program/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:39:40 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/natural-radiation-detox-program/ With the recent nuclear fallout in Japan, I have put together the following detox program for people concerned about radiation levels. Follow some or all of these suggestions depending on severity. At the very least I recommend to keep some Powdered Kelp & Spirulina in the house – these are inexpensive and powerful emergency solutions. […]

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With the recent nuclear fallout in Japan, I have put together the following detox program for people concerned about radiation levels. Follow some or all of these suggestions depending on severity.

At the very least I recommend to keep some Powdered Kelp & Spirulina in the house – these are inexpensive and powerful emergency solutions. Many Asians that consume sea vegetables have shown little or no negative physical effects from radiation fallout.

Radiation damage can occur from radiation sources such as x-ray imaging, nuclear power, or fallout from atomic weapons. When exposed to excess radiation it breaks strands of DNA in the body's cells causing cell death.

Symptoms of Radiation Damage

Radiation sickness can occur within 24 hours of exposure or if chronic symptoms can be over an extended time.

Radiation syndrome symptoms include malaise, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, fever, headache. Bleeding and complications can affect the digestive system, nervous system, heart, and lungs.

Further complications:

  • Central nervous system diseases
  • Kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal problems
  • Poor growth in children
  • Skin conditions
  • Inflammation around the heart
  • Lung conditions or even respiratory failure
  • Vision issues including cataracts or even impairment
  • Reproductive organ damage

If the person exposed is very young or on heavy chemotherapy for cancer or on antibiotics or with a weaker than normal immune system, they could be at an even greater risk.

Best Foods

  • Greens –  all kinds of green lettuces
  • Miso –   a fermented soybean paste (eaten raw for best results)
  • Mineral rich foods – Potassium, calcium and mineral rich greens, seaweeds, and olives
  • High iodine foods – Greens: swiss chard, turnip greens, wild garlic, onion, watercress, squash, mustard, spinach, asparagus, kale, citrus fruits, watermelon, and pineapple. Seaweeds / Sea Vegetables: kelp, arame, wakame, kombu, and hijiki* 

*Please note: For packaged seaweeds it is highly advised to call companies to ensure they provide a  3rd  party lab report confirming iodine is present.

Foods To Eat In Moderation :Cruciferous/Brassica Vegetables

Best to use 2-3x a week in a moderate amount, as daily use in larger amounts could prevent iodine absorption.

Arugula, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, box choy, chinese cabbage, daikon radish, horseradish, kohlrabi, maca, radish, rapini, rutabaga, turnip, wasabi, watercress.

Foods To Avoid

  • Avoid any alcohol, refined sugars, sweets … or anything that weakens/lowers immunity
  • Avoid GMO foods: wheat, potatoes, corn…
  • Avoid excess and any cooked fats. Ie: no heated oils and if you do eat animal foods only very low fat and lean to be extra safe
  • Consume only ‘raw’ fats in moderate amounts
  • Some raw fats will actually help bind and remove toxins

Please Note: It is best to avoid Asian sea vegetables/seaweeds until testing proves they are safe to eat. Try to find North American products.

Recommended Supplements*

  • Aloe Vera –   powerful for healing all kinds of skin conditions
  • Ashwaganda –  adoptogen, overall immune strengthening as it increase lymphocytes
  • Black Walnut Tincture
  • Chelaton Clay –  binds with many poisons and absorbs 100x its weight in toxins, can be used internally and in a bath
  • Coconut Oil? – thyroid support
  • Camu Camu –  for natural vitamin C: 5 grams, 2x a day to boost immunity and enhance detox
  • Bee Pollen –  2 Tbsp, 2x daily
  • Ginseng (Siberian, Panax) –   extends lifespan of rats exposed to radiation
  • Kelp (Sea Vegetable)  -¼ teaspoon of powder 2x daily is a substitute for potassium iodide
  • Marine Phytoplankton –  a powerful concentrated superfood that can reduce radiation poisoning sickness
  • Probiotics –   to enhance the digestive immune systems
  • Reishi  Mushrooms –  powerful immune system booster
  • Sodium Bicarbonate – binds with uranium so it can help prevent kidney damage, also great for separating it from the dirt to clean soil and a great fire extinguisher.  For use in the bath to detox, 2-3 pounds is recommended. 
  • Spirulina or Chlorella – take 5 grams 2x a day. Removes cesium-137, dramatically boosts the immune system 
  • Turmeric –  contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Uranium Nitricum – a homeopathic remedy for uranium exposure
  • Wheatgrass or Barley Grass Powders
  • Zeolites – overall great heavy metal detox supplement –  10 drops 4-6x a day.

* Special note: take a Kidney herb formula to avoid over stressing and accumulation of detox.


  • Chaparral – contains a potent anti-oxidant known as NGRA, was one of the few plants to survive atomic testing in Nevada
  • Astragalus, echinacea, rosemary – have all been shown to counteract radiation toxicity to some extent

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Support Your Liver with Healthy Foods https://naturallysavvy.com/care/support-your-liver-with-the-right-foods/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:32:12 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/support-your-liver-with-the-right-foods/ Cleansing the liver is a good idea, and usually promoted in the spring or early summer. But it's also important to eat to support your liver all throughout the year. Here are some of the nutrient-rich foods that help support a healthy liver-and a healthy you. Fresh Vegetable Juices: A good combination would be 25 […]

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Cleansing the liver is a good idea, and usually promoted in the spring or early summer. But it's also important to eat to support your liver all throughout the year. Here are some of the nutrient-rich foods that help support a healthy liver-and a healthy you.

Fresh Vegetable Juices: A good combination would be 25 percent apple and/or beets and/or carrots and 75 percent greens with lemon or lime.

Chlorophyll-Rich Super Foods: Wheat- or barley-grass juice powder, chlorella and spirulina, and wild blue-green algae have in many cases proven to be useful in clearing up a sluggish liver.

Garlic and Onions: Garlic contains allicin, which is a sulfur-based compound required by the liver for effective detoxification. Garlic helps the liver rid the body of mercury, certain food additives and hormones.

Fresh Vegetables: Fresh, raw vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables such as parsley, kale, watercress, alfalfa and collard greens are great for the liver. Orange, yellow, purple, and red colored fruits and vegetables are also good, as they contain living enzymes, fibre, vitamin C, natural antibiotic substances, and anti-cancer phytonutrients.

Read more about phytonutrients

Sub Acid Fruits: Apples, papaya, grapes, and all the berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries) are all high in antioxidants, which help to protect the liver from the high levels of free radicals that are naturally produced during the process of detoxification.

Bitter Foods: The bitterness of foods such as dandelion, arugula, endive, radicchio, sorrel, and watercress helps to stimulate bile flow within the liver.

Herbs: Dill, caraway seeds, garlic, onions, boldo, turmeric, and cayenne are easy to use in your food and can help protect the liver.

Dandelion Root Tea: Enhances the entire digestive track. It is excellent at relieving digestion after consuming a high-fat meal. Dandelion is also an excellent herb for weight loss, as the leaves are diuretic and the root improves fat metabolism.

Raw Fats (Nuts, Seeds, Avocados): These are good food sources of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats, all less harmful to the liver than saturated fats. The key is not to overeat, even on good raw fats.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Good sources of these raw fats are ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, borage oil, krill oil, chia seeds, purslane, acai, spirulina algae, hemp seeds, and grape seed oil.

Water: Drink eight to twelve cups of water per day to help the kidneys get rid of the toxins that the liver has broken down. It's important to note that heavy metals, chemicals, radioactive elements, chlorine, bacteria, viruses, E-coli and thousands of other impurities are in most water supplies, and many of the harmful substances present in municipal and well water can slowly damage and/or harden the liver. Even spring and mineral water contain inorganic minerals that are virtually indigestible. Filtering water may seem like the obvious solution, but purified medical grade water is the only water that removes up to 99 percent of the impurities in the water.

Read more about the things you need to know about tap water

Cleansing your liver isn't about time-consuming lotions and potions. It's about giving your body nutrient-rich fuel that can, and will, prevent problems in the first place, and actively cleansing occasionally to keep your liver functioning at peak performance.

Image: Joanna Slodownik

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Wayne’s Homemade Natural Toothpaste Recipes https://naturallysavvy.com/care/waynes-homemade-natural-toothpaste-recipes/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:30:06 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/waynes-homemade-natural-toothpaste-recipes/ Have you ever considered making your own toothpaste? Don’t know how? Think it’s too expensive? Not sure where to start? I have not used commercial personal care products since I was 16 years old! I either buy natural, or make my own. Making your own fresh ‘alive, raw’ personal care products is simple and easy! […]

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Have you ever considered making your own toothpaste? Don’t know how? Think it’s too expensive? Not sure where to start? I have not used commercial personal care products since I was 16 years old! I either buy natural, or make my own.

Making your own fresh ‘alive, raw’ personal care products is simple and easy! Here is an example of how easy it can be to make your own personal care products that can save you money and help keep the planet green. Making your own also allows you the peace of mind that you have pure and effective personal care products that are safe for you and your family.

You can keep the ingredients in your house and make it as you need it. Making your own is empowering because you have made a choice to avoid harmful chemicals and live a healthier lifestyle.

To make your own fresh, raw, toothpaste for optimum oral health and a great taste, follow these steps below:

  • Essential Oils: A blend of two or more of the following pure, essential, food grade oils, make a safe, natural, great flavored, anti bacterial, and effective toothpaste. Use 2-10 drops of clove, lemon, lime, spearmint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, peppermint, licorice, or rosemary. The oils can be added to water! Just using a good toothbrush, a proper brushing technique, and a couple drops of essential oil works great!

Read more about essential oils

  • Other oils: 6 oz of pure Vegetable Glycerin, Coconut oil, or Olive Oil
  • Baking Soda: 1/4 tsp of baking soda, or put a small amount on your brush 2x a week
  • Celtic Sea Salt: Use as a mild abrasive cleanser that is antibacterial and creates an alkaline oral environment since it is 8.5 pH !
  • Stevia or Raw Organic Honey: These can be used to sweeten. Raw honey acts as a natural preservative. In fact, it is the only natural food that never goes bad!

Make this natural toothpaste weekly or monthly for freshness. Keep in a dark amber glass jar (not plastic), away from heat.

I recommend using all the ingredients randomly and on a per use basis. For children it might be easier to make up a batch for ease of use.

Considerations to Note:

Pure essential oils can be the primary active ingredient in your homemade toothpaste. Essential oils are ideal for use in toothpaste because they are both antiseptic and nontoxic, a rare combination. Many researchers have extensively studied clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary by for their antiseptic attributes and documented their findings in numerous scientific journals, including: The Bulletin of the Tokyo Dental CollegeThe Journal of Oral Microbiology and Immunology, The International Journal of Food MicrobiologyThe University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology.

Dr. Gary Young found certain essential oils exhibited a 99.96% kill rate against airborne bacteria when tested at Weber State University. Jean Valnet, M.D., a world-renowned essential oil expert, points out in his book, The Practice of Aromatherapy: A Classic Compendium of Plant Medicines and Their Healing Properties , that: "Essential oils are especially valuable as antiseptics because their aggression toward microbial germs is matched by their total harmlessness toward (healthy) tissue."

It is estimated that, in Europe, therapeutic grades of essential oils are used instead of drugs approximately 80% of the time an antibiotic is required! Listerine, a product readily available here, contains .064% thymol (found in thyme oil), .092% eucalypol (found in eucalyptus oil), .060% methyl salicylate (found in birch oil) and .042% menthol (found in peppermint oil).

Read more about salicylates

Only use therapeutic grade essential oils for internal use. Look for brands that are recommended by a registered Aromatherapist or a quality natural products store. Even many health store brands are not 100% pure and may contain added synthetics to make them smell better. That is why they are less expensive. Poor quality brands should not be used internally.

Final Thought: A Natural Toothbrush

When you are out and about, have no toothbrush, and want clean teeth and fresh breath, stop by any grocery store. Head to the produce section and pick out a fresh apple. Voila! Take a few bites of a fresh crisp apple and watch how clean your teeth become!

Image: makelessnoise

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Fluoride and Your Health: What You Need to Know https://naturallysavvy.com/care/fluoride-and-your-health/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:27:01 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/fluoride-and-your-health/ There are many references about the harmful effects of fluoride found in toothpaste and other consumer products, so I want to take this opportunity to address them. The fluoride found in your toothpaste and water is leftover waste from the paper and aluminum industry. These industries benefit with an economic savings by dispersing the fluoride […]

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There are many references about the harmful effects of fluoride found in toothpaste and other consumer products, so I want to take this opportunity to address them.

The fluoride found in your toothpaste and water is leftover waste from the paper and aluminum industry. These industries benefit with an economic savings by dispersing the fluoride into our water and toothpaste, rather than properly disposing of this toxic waste. Fluoride is also a byproduct of some pesticides used in growing fruits and vegetables.

Read more about the ingredients in toothpaste

Fluoride concentration increases when water containing fluoride is used for cooking. Therefore, I recommend making sure you use purified water to drink and cook with to avoid overexposure. Note that unless restaurants and food manufacturers filter their water (they would indicate it in the ingredients), there is a good chance their foods contain some fluoride as well.

Too much fluoride in the body can cause premature aging (especially the skin) by damaging DNA. Fluoride can also suppress the immune system and thyroid. It can also create brittle bones, stiffen joints, and may cause tooth discoloration, hearing loss, fatigue, lack of concentration, depression, hardening of the arteries, tinnitus, and stomach and colon ulcers.

Read more about thyroid diseases

When people ask me if they should be buying toothpaste with fluoride in it because they heard it's better for their teeth, my answer is "no." In addition, we do not need fluoride in our diet, and it does not occur naturally in foods. Some companies are adding fluoride to their food or drinks to lure consumers to buy them. If you see any marketing on a package stating it contains "added fluoride" put it back on the shelf.

Image: Phil and Pam

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Toothpaste: Natural or Poison? https://naturallysavvy.com/care/toothpaste-natural-or-poison/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:25:39 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/toothpaste-natural-or-poison/ I believe it is safe to assume all of us use some form of personal care product such as toothpaste, lotions, make-up, soaps, hair care products, and more. Unfortunately, many commercial personal care products have harmful chemicals and hidden ingredients. It takes considerable research just to identify what the strange funny names on these products […]

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I believe it is safe to assume all of us use some form of personal care product such as toothpaste, lotions, make-up, soaps, hair care products, and more. Unfortunately, many commercial personal care products have harmful chemicals and hidden ingredients. It takes considerable research just to identify what the strange funny names on these products really are! In addition, not all ingredients have to be listed! Beware, the laws protect the manufacturer and not you, the consumer.

Read more about product labeling laws

Nicotine and medical skin patches work because our skin absorbs their chemicals. What goes on our skin goes in our bodies. If you would not eat it, don’t put it on your skin either. Human physiology also tells us that what you put in your mouth is absorbed directly into your blood and tissues through the mucosal lining, even if you never swallow. According to The Physician's Desk Reference Manual, oral absorption can be up to 90% efficient because blood capillaries are very close to the surface inside the mouth. Potentially harmful ingredients in your toothpaste will end up in your bloodstream, most likely in seconds, and start negatively impacting your health! In the US, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requires fluoride toothpaste to carry a poison warning label that reads as follows:


Many types of toothpaste are loaded with exotic-sounding chemicals, most of which have been documented for their negative health effects. Hopefully the following information will help you make the choice to begin buying a healthier brand, or better yet – make your own!

Read about the 7 Scary Food Additives to Avoid

Some of these questionable ingredients include:

  • Sodium saccharin – known to cause cancer in lab animals!
  • Abrasive silica
  • Sodium fluoride – considered corrosive. Some side effects can include: allergy to medication, osteomalacia and hyper-parathyroid osteopathy, impaired renal function, impaired liver function, and blood dyscrasia. In children it may cause salivation, nausea, vomiting, gastric pain, and diarrhea. Large doses can cause thirst, perspiration, paralysis, muscular weakness and convulsions followed by respiratory and cardiac failure.
  • Phosphoric acid – no information available.
  • Tetrasodium pyrophosphate
  • Titanium dioxide – an inert ingredient (water repellant agent) in pesticide formulations applied to animals.
  • Pentasodium triphosphate – side effects are diarrhea, fainting, headaches, cramps.
  • Carrageenan – from seaweed but harmful chemicals are used in its processing. It is made into a thick acidic gel for thickening. May cause gastric upset and inhibit the absorption of nutrients.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate – regulated as a pesticide, suspected gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, eye irritation, allergic reactions and hair loss.
  • FD & C Blue #1, Yellow #5 – These are food coloring and have been linked to causing cancer. Also found in many foods and vitamin supplements.

Read more about artificial colors

For a long time it has been suspected that additives like sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, and yellow dye #5 have health-damaging effects, yet they continue to be used in most personal care products. Other compounds, such as fluoride, are acknowledged by the FDA to be a significant risk to children when ingested.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and propylene glycol are two of the most common ingredients found in many personal care products. The Journal of the American College of Toxicology reports that SLS is easily absorbed into your skin and can build up in your heart, liver, lungs and brain; even if you wash it off right after using it! The Medical College of Georgia has done tests showing that SLS forms dangerous levels of cancer-causing nitrosamines when combined with several other common ingredients found in many personal care products. Children’s bubble baths have warning labels on them! Why? They contain sodium lauryl sulfate which damages the mucous lining of the skin and causes urinary tract infections. Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. reports sodium lauryl sulfate builds up in eye tissues and may be a cause of eyesight problems in many children. Sodium lauryl (or laureth) sulfate is also found in most shampoos.

Propylene glycol, used in many facial moisturizers and hand and body lotions, has been found, in scientific and animal testing, to cause kidney damage and liver abnormalities. Propylene glycol may damage cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin, and surface damage. Propylene glycol is the main component of anti-freeze for your car! Sadly enough, it can also be found in some food products where it is listed as natural flavor!

Tartrazine (yellow dye #5) interferes with the body's use of vitamin B6. For some people, consuming the food additive tartrazine can cause severe asthmatic breathing difficulties because it increases the release of leutriene in the body.

If these chemicals are not on the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), is it wise to put them on our skin, or in our body? Many ingredients in foods and other products are not listed on the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) list. However, product manufacturers tell us small amounts of these chemicals are safe for human use. I find this is an insult to our intelligence! In my opinion, if it is not a necessary nutrient, and could be potentially harmful, try to avoid its consumption. Ninety-nine percent of the chemicals people ingest are avoidable by being aware of product ingredients and choosing pure quality products instead, or making your own. Using toothpaste containing these harmful chemicals makes no sense at all! Is it any wonder why cancer is epidemic?

Here is a comparison of ingredients found in healthy and commercial toothpaste:

Function Healthy Brands Common Commerical Brands
Active Ingredient: natural clay, pure essential oils sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate
Cleansing Agent: baking soda abrasive silica, hydrated silica
Moisturizer: vegetable glycerin glycerine, sorbitol
Thickener: xanthan gum xanthan gum, cellulose gum
Foaming Agent: none sodium lauryl sulfate
Sweetener: stevia or raw honey sodium saccharin
Special Tooth Health Agents: none pentasodium triphospate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate
Coloring: you can add natural chlorophyll titanium dioxide- artificial source

Read more about the ingredients in personal care products

I believe nature has given us everything we need. Many cultures around the world have no commercial personal care products. I find it interesting how these cultures have fewer illnesses, much less dental problems, and live longer.

Next to diet, personal care products are essential to great health. Make sure they are pure, natural, and clean, with no harmful chemicals. Or, why not consider substituting these questionable chemicals with simple ingredients you can keep at home to make an effective, natural toothpaste for yourself? This can keep your breath fresh and can control or eliminate harmful bacteria.

Happy brushing!

Image: Joe Shlabotnik

The post Toothpaste: Natural or Poison? appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Wayne Gendel https://naturallysavvy.com/general/wayne-gendel/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:20:35 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/wayne-gendel/ Wayne Gendel is Naturally Savvy's Living Raw Food Pioneer. Wayne has been lecturing and consulting for 13 years and is the developer of the Forever Healthy Life Extension Program. Mr. Gendel has studied a variety of health modalities with some of the top world-renowned professionals including Dr. Ann Wigmore and Dr. Brian Clement of the […]

The post Wayne Gendel appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Wayne Gendel is Naturally Savvy's Living Raw Food Pioneer.

Wayne has been lecturing and consulting for 13 years and is the developer of the Forever Healthy Life Extension Program. Mr. Gendel has studied a variety of health modalities with some of the top world-renowned professionals including Dr. Ann Wigmore and Dr. Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute and is a Hippocrates Health Educator. He is a dynamic inspirational speaker and educator in the natural health industry, and is known for practicing what he preaches.

Wayne empowers people by going beyond manufacturer product claims to bring out the truth about the products we consume. The Forever Healthy Life Extension Program encourages individuals to live longer, healthier, disease-free lives by combining the wisdom of many world-famous health programs and research data from cultures around the world. Wayne researches products to ensure they meet the highest standards for consumption. His research goes beyond suppliers' claims as Wayne and his team looks for the truth regarding ingredient panels and how products are made. Through his research, Wayne has come across many products that contain undisclosed synthetic ingredients such as chemical solvents, binders, fillers, preservatives, etc. that are not required to be listed on the label. He believes that synthetic ingredients are not suitable for humans to eat.

Wayne is a regular on TV, Radio and is a sought after public speaker at universities, health centers and trade shows.

To reach Wayne, email him at: Wayne(at)NaturallySavvy(dot)com.

For more information on Wayne, visit: ForeverHealthy.net.

The post Wayne Gendel appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.
