Eleanor Healy, Author at NaturallySavvy.com https://naturallysavvy.com/author/eleanor-healy/ Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Thu, 28 Sep 2023 17:45:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 What is Ashwagandha? https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/what-is-ashwagandha/ Thu, 09 Apr 2020 05:00:00 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/what-is-ashwagandha/ Ashwagandha, a Sanskrit word meaning “the smell of a horse,” is an ancient herb native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and is used in Ayurvedic medicine. Also referred to as Indian Ginseng (although it has no relation to the ginseng family, but is instead part of the tomato family), this versatile herb is known […]

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Ashwagandha, a Sanskrit word meaning “the smell of a horse,” is an ancient herb native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and is used in Ayurvedic medicine. Also referred to as Indian Ginseng (although it has no relation to the ginseng family, but is instead part of the tomato family), this versatile herb is known for its rejuvenating and energy enhancing properties. As a super plant, the Ashwagandha herb also relaxes people. In Latin, its name Withania Somnifera means “sleep-inducing." The root is most commonly used but all parts of it, including the fruit and flowers, are beneficial. This plant, sometimes called Winter Cherry, is widely available in health food stores as a tincture, dry herb, tea or in capsules. This may be a helpful supplement to add to your daily regime.

What are the health benefits?

Ashwagandha is no stranger to scientists as there are over 350 studies examining its many beneficial properties. Known as the “go-to” herb for overall health and vitality, Ashwagandha also exhibits some very specific healing properties. Here is a summary of its main benefits:

  • Adaptogenic – an adaptogen refers to a substance that aids the body’s ability to cope with and respond to stress. In order to earn the title as an adaptogen, the substance must be non-toxic, benefit the body as a whole, and have the ability to create homeostasis or internal balance. Ashwagandha is one such herb, as people take this if they’ve been under prolonged, chronic stress in order to help rejuvenate their body.
  • Improves Mood – several studies show that Ashwagandha is an effective aid in depression and anxiety. A study produced results comparable to pharmaceutical drugs, such as benzodiazepine lorazepam for alleviating anxiety.
  • Sexual Potency & Fertilitystudies show improved sperm count and motility in infertile men with an increase of testosterone also found. The stress reduction properties helped with the psychological stress of infertile men in another study.
  • Male and Female Libido – the herb has sexually stimulating and longevity enhancing properties for men and women. It is said to stimulate the production of DHEA, a precursor to testosterone. Many aphrodisiac products contain Ashwagandha.
  • Nutrients – Ashwagandha contains the following compounds: Withanolides (studies examining brain regeneration show promising results in mice), steroidal lactones, alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids, and a variety of sugars. These nutrients also exhibit strong antibacterial as well and antioxidant properties, which can help protect against cell-damaging free radicals and kill off harmful bacteria in the body.


Regular recommended doses are between 600-1000mg two times per day. There are no studies on pregnant women so discretion is advised as there have been cases of spontaneous abortions when ingested at higher doses. As always when taking a new supplement, you should consult with your doctor or health care practitioner if you are taking any medications or have specific medical conditions.

Bottom Line

Overall, this wonderful herb is well-studied, non-toxic, useful on multiple levels and widely available.


Read next

The Wonders of Ashwagandha

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Eat Leafy Vegetables to Promote Good Digestion https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/leafy-vegetables-good-for-digestion/ https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/leafy-vegetables-good-for-digestion/#comments Thu, 24 Jan 2019 06:00:14 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/leafy-vegetables-good-for-digestion/ An Australian study discovered that a gene called T-bet may play an integral role in promoting good digestion. This gene signals the production of immune cells, known as innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the gut. T-bet may act in response to the proteins in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, watercress, kale, collards, bok choy, broccoli and […]

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An Australian study discovered that a gene called T-bet may play an integral role in promoting good digestion. This gene signals the production of immune cells, known as innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the gut. T-bet may act in response to the proteins in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, watercress, kale, collards, bok choy, broccoli and cauliflower that produce these ILCs. With this link, it shows the importance of the foods we ingest and our subsequent immunity as a whole.

The scientists are interested to further study this connection so that we can help those with bowel diseases and digestion problems, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Crohn’s. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis foundation of America, Crohn’s is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the digestive tract with genetics, heredity, environmental factors and stress all playing a role in the development of it. Little is understood of the root cause, so this discovery of immune strengthening pathways activated by certain foods may prove to be invaluable information for sufferers of digestion problems.

Read more about the 6 Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables to Eat Today

With a rampant under-consumption of leafy greens in North America (don’t forget those who go so far as to say that they hate vegetables), how can we convince people to eat more vegetables? Perhaps the study that vegetables and fruit make you happier will help convince people. It may also be time to put out a reminder once again.

Here is a list of four reasons to eat more vegetables, particularly leafy greens:

1. Fiber
Vegetables give the body fiber. Fiber helps keep blood sugar steady (especially important for diabetics), lowers bad cholesterol, and ensures regular bowel movements by preventing toxic buildup in the digestive tract. This can prevent the development of digestion problems, including constipation.

2. Vitamins & Minerals
Vegetables contain important nutrients, also known as phytonutrients, that give you energy, help make hormones, break down food, and can keep your skin, hair and bones healthy and strong.

3. Prevent Disease
The antioxidants alone in the vegetables play an important role in disease prevention by protecting the cells in the body from oxidation and free radicals. Without the antioxidant protection, the body is vulnerable to rapid degeneration and aging.

4. Lift Your Mood!
As pointed out above, the nutrients in vegetables have been shown to possibly improve brain chemistry enough to lift your mood. If you’re feeling low, look at your diet. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables?

Read more: The Happiness Diet? Eat More Fruits and Veggies

It is possible to fall off the wagon of good eating and find yourself on the roller coaster of eating out, grabbing a sandwich on the go or eating fast food in your car. If you find yourself in that situation it's important to just get back on track. Make a point of bringing fresh snacks with you for the day. Chopped up celery, carrots and peppers in a baggie can go a long way. Cucumber slices carry well and don’t make a mess. You can also find neat ways to incorporate vegetables into your diet, even if it means making a green smoothie every morning. With all the studies and information out there today, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t start to give your body the kick start it needs by eating more vegetables!

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What Is Your Tongue Trying to Tell You About Your Health? https://naturallysavvy.com/care/what-is-your-tongue-trying-to-tell-you-about-your-health/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:48:18 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/what-is-your-tongue-trying-to-tell-you-about-your-health/ The tongue contributes quite a bit to the functioning of the human body including the ability to taste food and to speak clearly. Without the tongue we wouldn’t enjoy the many flavors of our cuisine, including sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory) tastes. When the tongue is healthy-light red or pink in color with a thin […]

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The tongue contributes quite a bit to the functioning of the human body including the ability to taste food and to speak clearly. Without the tongue we wouldn’t enjoy the many flavors of our cuisine, including sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory) tastes. When the tongue is healthy-light red or pink in color with a thin white coating-all is well. However, there are times when the tongue does seemingly weird things to get our attention. What is it trying to say about our health?


Perhaps the most common signal that something is awry will be a thick white coating on the tongue. We’ve all felt it. Your tongue feels like it’s stuck to the roof of your mouth, and when you talk it makes that smacking sound. A thick white coating can mean an infection from an overgrowth of candida yeast, also known as thrush. There are tests and treatments for candida; you can ask your natural health practitioner for guidance.

Read more about recognizing and treating candida

If the tongue is very dry and pasty this can mean that you simply aren’t drinking enough water and the body is dehydrated. Drinking a glass of water in the morning before you have coffee will help alleviate a dry mouth.


If your tongue is stained black or dark brown it may be caused by medications and certain foods/drinks. Drinking several cups of coffee or tea per day may stain the tongue; some people who supplement with green drinks containing chlorophyll may notice a very green tongue. In this case, the stain may be removed from brushing the tongue or reducing the amount of coffee/tea consumed. Medications may cause the tongue to turn a dark color, so you can ask your doctor if this is a side effect. A yellow tongue can indicate acid reflux or an infection that interferes with the tongue’s natural balance of flora. Tongue brushing is a common practice to maintain oral health. Talk with you dentist or health care practitioner if you're not already cleaning your tongue daily.


Small ulcers in the mouth that appear on the tongue as a bump with a pink color and often feel sore and tender are known as canker sores. Certain foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes and coffee may trigger the occurrence of canker sores. With recurring outbreaks, the underlying cause may be connected to impaired digestion (with Crohn’s or celiac disease), lowered immune system or nutritional deficiencies. Avoiding trigger foods and gentle tongue brushing can reduce the chances of getting a canker sore. If the sores persist past a ten day period or reoccur frequently, it’s best to tell your doctor or health care practitioner.


If your tongue appears very smooth with a pale hue, this could mean that you are low in iron. Anemia or very low iron will disrupt the healthy pink tones of the tongue because the body will not have the oxygen necessary to maintain healthy red blood cells. Other symptoms of anemia include, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, pale skin and dizziness. A blood test from your doctor will indicate your iron levels.

Read more about identifying nutritional deficiencies

Word to the wise: Regular dental visits, twice per year, will help ensure that your mouth and tongue are healthy and happy!

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Is BPA A Developmental Toxicant? https://naturallysavvy.com/live/is-bpa-a-developmental-toxicant/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:44:30 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/is-bpa-a-developmental-toxicant/ The American Chemistry Council and Public Environmental Agency Face Off The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) wants to list Bisphenol A (BPA) as a developmental toxicant under California’s Proposition 65 – known as the "The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986" but the American Chemistry Council (ACC) is against it. […]

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The American Chemistry Council and Public Environmental Agency Face Off

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) wants to list Bisphenol A (BPA) as a developmental toxicant under California’s Proposition 65 – known as the "The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986" but the American Chemistry Council (ACC) is against it. Why? The better question to pose is, why would they care to agree or disagree? The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is the trade association that represents three out of the five companies that makes BPA in the USA: Bayer, Dow and SABIC (formerly GE plastics).

The Players

OEHHA: Their mission is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances.

ACC: Their objective is to represent their trade companies’ best interests in this matter, which happens to be making BPA.

The Stakes

What does it mean if BPA is listed under Proposition 65 as a developmental toxicant? Mandatory labeling of foods and products. “If BPA is listed under proposition 65, businesses that manufacture, distribute or sell products with BPA in the state would have to provide a warning if their product or activity exposes the public or employees to the chemical,” says Joe Whitworth of Food Navigator-USA.

The Issue

Is BPA Safe?

There are approximately 100 studies on BPA chemical industry's funded studies, there were no such effects. The ACC asserts that levels of BPA are safe and non-toxic, so people can use their polycarbonate plastic products and epoxy resins without hesitation. The ACC concludes that because there is no risk to human health, listing BPA as a toxicant is unfair. The interesting part is that the same companies were against Proposition 37, the initiative to label genetically modified foods for consumers.

Who opposed Proposition 37 (labeling of genetically modified foods)?

Among many others, Bayer, Dow and SABIC. The CEO of the American Chemistry Council, Calvin M. Dooley was the former CEO and President of the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association which donated millions of dollars to oppose labeling of genetically modified foods in California. The theme presents itself as this: companies that play a part in manufacturing, distributing or selling foods or products that contain questionable ingredients and/or chemicals refuse to let it all hang out. In other words, they don’t want to make it obvious where their products end up. Even if the evidence was inconclusive – which it is not – about the negative effects of BPA on our health, the issue of secrecy is still suspect. Why would these companies and associations care if people knew that their cosmetics, food containers and cans of food contained BPA? Why would they waste their time discrediting scientific studies about BPA if they didn’t feel shaky about the results? Furthermore, if the amounts of BPA in their products were at safe levels and everything was above board, why would they bat an eye? For more information on Proposition 65 visit the OEHHA website.

Photo credit: dotjay

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5 Ways to Prevent Constipation https://naturallysavvy.com/care/5-ways-to-prevent-constipation/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:35:54 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-ways-to-prevent-constipation/ Most of us know the discomfort of occasional constipation, defined as difficulty or straining while having a bowel movement, or going more than three days without any bowel movements. According to Dr. Mercola (an osteopathic physician and advocate for holistic health), you should be going to the bathroom at least once per day, ideally two […]

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Most of us know the discomfort of occasional constipation, defined as difficulty or straining while having a bowel movement, or going more than three days without any bowel movements. According to Dr. Mercola (an osteopathic physician and advocate for holistic health), you should be going to the bathroom at least once per day, ideally two to three times. He notes that the biggest barrier to preventing constipation may be not realizing that you are constipated in the first place.

Symptoms to watch out for are: infrequent bowel movements, abdominal pain and cramping, a swollen abdomen and loss of appetite. Or, you may just feel generally unwell. In order to avoid all that discomfort and pain, take a look at some of these ways to support healthy bowels.

Read more about the digestion process

1. Probiotics

The healthy bacteria needed for your digestive tract, known as probiotics, may significantly reduce constipation and accompanying symptoms. The role of these microorganisms is to balance the micro flora in the digestive system and allow your body to form healthy stool to more easily pass through the colon. You can purchase probiotics at a health food store with a dosage of approximately 7-12 billion (amount of bacteria strains in the capsule) with multiple strains (meaning that the capsule contains several different types of bacteria, each with their own role).

2. Fiber from foods

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Generally, insoluble fiber is the most helpful for constipation as it passes virtually undigested through the digestive tract, adding bulk to stool and moving waste out of the body. Food sources are less harsh than herbal  laxatives, such as cascara or psyllium husks, so you may want to try eating more nuts and seeds, brown rice, flax seeds and sweet potatoes first. Both types of fiber are beneficial as soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and keep your blood sugar balanced. A great choice for an invaluable fiber supplement is Fiberus.

3. Eat smaller meals

If you eat large meals, especially late at night, you’re straining the digestive tract unnecessarily and throwing off the natural balance of the elimination process. Eat smaller meals more frequently to make sure that your body can easily digest and absorb nutrients. Chronic indigestion, bloating, gas and heartburn can all be signals that your meals are too heavy and too large in quantity. If you slow down when you eat, your body will tell you when it’s full; you can avoid overeating if you eat with more awareness. Chew and savor each bite!

4. Stress reduction

Try something like yoga for constipation. There are specific poses to help move things along. Deep breathing and going for walks can also help relax and balance you, including your digestion.

Read more about how to relieve stress

5. Food intolerance

If you experience symptoms, such as bloating, gas, headaches or tiredness after eating, you may have food intolerances or food allergies. Food intolerances are more subtle and can be the culprit for frequent constipation; your body is not able to properly break down the foods, and the result is an imbalanced colon or slow transit time. Check with a holistic practitioner for a variety of tests or special elimination diets to find problem foods.

Image: Lindsey Turner

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Crowd Pleasing Pool Party & BBQ Fare https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/crowd-pleasing-pool-party-bbq-fare/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:35:54 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/crowd-pleasing-pool-party-bbq-fare/ As the long weekend approaches, fantasies of sun, fun and sizzling BBQ treats whirl in our minds. If you’ve promised to turn over a new leaf and avoid the abundance of junk food and grease laden meals this year, take heart. You can still have a wonderful pool party and BBQ without the indigestion and […]

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As the long weekend approaches, fantasies of sun, fun and sizzling BBQ treats whirl in our minds. If you’ve promised to turn over a new leaf and avoid the abundance of junk food and grease laden meals this year, take heart. You can still have a wonderful pool party and BBQ without the indigestion and sugar crash. Here are some great ideas to makeover your favorite foods and avoid snack backlash from the family.

Good ole chips: What’s a BBQ or pool party without chips? You don’t have to give up a party favorite because you’re worried about fat and salt content. Pick baked chips instead of fried; there are even gluten-free options if you have an intolerance to wheat. In fact, grocery stores now carry lentil, vegetable, bean, rice and organic corn chips. Organic blue corn chips and fresh salsa is a classic snack that can’t be passed up! Try this amazing recipe for homemade salsa from the Whole Foods Market website.

Dips: You won’t find snacks more versatile than dips. Basically, if you have a blender, you can make anything into a dip. Some examples are bean dip: blend cooked beans or lentils with green or red onions, sea salt and fresh basil and you’ll be a hit. Pair your inventions with rice or whole grain crackers.

No one can say that homemade hummus is hard to make-you can add your own signature spices or keep it simple with cooked chick peas, garlic and olive oil. Here are some different ways to liven up your hummus. If you have a blender and three minutes, you’ve got a great treat for your BBQ and/or pool party.

Burritos: This is another way to find some fresh, delicious ingredients and roll them into a yummy burrito–perfect to eat by the pool or at the beach. You can bring the ingredients separately and assemble them when you arrive or pre-make them. This is a good way to please the vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. Choose from black bean or chicken with diced tomatoes, lettuce and your favorite sauce; these will satisfy the fussiest among your group. Make them elaborate or just with cheese and vinaigrette. Try this example of a spicy black bean burrito from the World’s Healthiest Foods website.

On the grill:

If you’re bored with the usual chicken breast, steak or hamburger, try grilling different accompaniments. For example, this Mexican style grilled corn (choose organic corn to ensure it is not genetically modified). Grill some seasonal vegetables and brush them with your favorite sauces.

For the piece de resistance, you can BBQ an entire bulb of garlic. Cut off the top, pour olive oil onto it, seal it up with  aluminum foil and 15 minutes later you’ve got spreadable goodness. It really tastes like candy! You might need some parsley to eat for your breath afterwards, but it’s worth it! Spread it onto your chicken or inside your burrito as a sauce–although there is nothing better than popping one straight into your mouth.

So, enjoy the long weekend with friends and family and go to bed feeling good about your new food choices!

Photo Credit: technikhil

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5 Fun Ways to Stay Hydrated (Besides Water) https://naturallysavvy.com/care/5-ways-to-stay-hydrated-besides-water/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:12:29 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-ways-to-stay-hydrated-besides-water/ Do you drink enough water? Some people forget to drink it, are too busy, or just don’t like the taste. You might want to rethink this if you feel tired, lightheaded and experience headaches throughout the day. You might be dehydrated. Why is dehydration something to avoid? Our body is composed of nearly seventy percent […]

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Do you drink enough water? Some people forget to drink it, are too busy, or just don’t like the taste. You might want to rethink this if you feel tired, lightheaded and experience headaches throughout the day. You might be dehydrated.

Why is dehydration something to avoid? Our body is composed of nearly seventy percent water and it is found in every one of our 100 trillion cells. Water regulates body temperature, lubricates your joints and aids in the digestion process. So, without the essential fluids needed for our body to run smoothly, organs can become damaged and systems don't function properly.

If you have a hard time drinking water and would prefer some healthy alternative ways to hydrate your body, here are some options. There is no true substitute for water, but these are a good way to supplement your fluid intake.

1. Fresh squeezed juice
Have you ever tried a glass of fresh squeezed carrot juice with ginger? Or if that’s not quite your style, try a fresh orange juice. You can get an inexpensive device to squeeze oranges (or lemons and limes) into a juice and then add it to water. Or, mix it with your other favorite juices like pineapple or cranberry. There is no end to the combinations you can make and add to your water bottle. Always watch the labels if you’re purchasing bottled juice, and choose the ones ‘not from concentrate’ and without high-fructose corn syrup or artificial colors. Mixing juice with water tones down the sugar content, which is healthier for your blood sugar levels, and will make your juice last longer.

2. Soups
Slurp a light vegetable soup as a snack in the mid-morning or afternoon to boost your water intake and energy levels. Use high water content vegetables such as celery, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, tomato and zucchini. Or, blend everything up and take it in a thermos as something tasty and hydrating to sip on all day.

3. Smoothies
Make a smoothie with high water content fruits, including blueberries, oranges, peaches, pineapples, plums, raspberries, cantaloupes and watermelon. Add water instead of the usual thickeners like dairy, soy, rice or almond milk. Remember, you want this to be like a fruity jazzed-up glass of water! Make a big batch and let it last for several hours.

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4. Coconut water
Coconut water is an excellent way to rehydrate the body, especially after exercise. The coconut contains minerals and vitamins to restore fluid balance, namely electrolytes. You can find coconut water in most grocery stores. Look for the brands that don’t add sugar.

5. Herbal teas
If you want a break from juicing (and chopping and mixing) then simply brew yourself a cup of tea. Good options include chamomile, peppermint or nettle tea, and for hot summer days, cool them in the fridge for a homemade iced tea. Again, there is no limit to the choices and varieties of teas you can drink. Mix them up so that you’re never bored with the taste. More importantly, you will provide the body with the fluids and hydration it needs even if you’re not a “water drinker”.

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Healthy Fats That Don't Make You Fat https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/healthy-fats-that-dont-make-you-fat/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:11:36 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/healthy-fats-that-dont-make-you-fat/ In the 1990s, it seemed as if every second product in the grocery store from low-fat yogurt to low-fat Oreo cookies, were proof that fat was little more than a tasty, bad-for-you four letter word. Fast forward to 2001 and an eight year study funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of nearly […]

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In the 1990s, it seemed as if every second product in the grocery store from low-fat yogurt to low-fat Oreo cookies, were proof that fat was little more than a tasty, bad-for-you four letter word. Fast forward to 2001 and an eight year study funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of nearly 50,000 women found that their lives did not improve all that much from eating a low fat diet. They had not lost weight and they did not appear to lower their risk of heart disease. Another study conducted at the Boston Children’s hospital in 2012 analyzed the possible benefits of the low-fat diet for weight loss and found that restricted dietary fat intake slowed metabolism and showed a link to insulin resistance.

In recent years, moderation and discernment in dietary fat intake appeared to offer more positive results. So, instead of eliminating all fats from your diet as preached by the low-fat craze of the 1990s, the trick is to learn the difference between good fats and bad fats.

“Bad fats” most often refers to trans fat. This fat involves a process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil (called hydrogenation) to produce a solid fat used to preserve the shelf life of processed foods. Trans fat was found in most commercial baked goods and fried foods until 2006 when the labeling of trans fat became mandatory in the United States due to concerns that it contributed to heart disease. Grocery aisles now display products labeled as “zero trans fat.” However, labeling is tricky. If a product contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, the company can still label it as having “zero trans fat.” So be careful. You should also avoid foods that are labelled as “partially hydrogenated” as this is another term for trans fat.

Read more about the trans fats label loophole

"Good fats" keep us warm, lubricate our joints, help us produce hormones and absorb fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E and D. They also nourish our skin and aid our cardiovascular system. Not so bad, right? The following good fats offer all these benefits, and when following a sensible diet they do not make us fat.

  • Avocados: also packed with antioxidants, minerals and fiber, this delicious fruit will actually help you absorb nutrients from vegetables known as carotenoids, which is an antioxidant valuable for cardiovascular health. Eat avocados in moderation to feel satiated and to add flavor to your salads and smoothies.
  • Nuts: a study of American women in 2009 revealed that eating a small portion of nuts two to three times per week showed a lower risk of weight gain and obesity. Nuts contain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals and can help maintain steady blood sugar.
  • Olive oil: a new study out of Germany in 2013 shows that olive oil contained more of the satiety hormone serotonin. Subjects without the olive oil ate an extra 176 calories per day while those consuming the oil felt satisfied and did not gain any weight. Again, moderation is vital, but this versatile oil can be incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Coconut oil: don’t forget about our friend the coconut! In recent years, more and more research has come to light about the health benefits of coconuts. Coconut water is used as a natural electrolyte drink after workouts, and coconut oil may aid in suppressing body fat accumulation. Coconut oil is a delicious addition to a morning smoothie.

Read more about how to lose belly fat

Gone are the days of severe restriction and demonizing entire food groups. Add these good fats to your diet for flavor, to feel full, and to help your body maintain an optimally healthy state.

Image: Liz Davenport



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4 Herbal Remedies to Soothe Dry, Itchy Eyes https://naturallysavvy.com/care/4-herbal-remedies-to-soothe-dry-itchy-eyes/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:58:58 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/4-herbal-remedies-to-soothe-dry-itchy-eyes/ Fall can be a nightmare if you have allergies, especially ocular allergies or allergic conjunctivitis. This sounds worse than it is; basically the body launches the immune system against a foreign object seen as a threat and the result is an allergic reaction leading to dry, itchy eyes. Depending on the type of ocular allergy, […]

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Fall can be a nightmare if you have allergies, especially ocular allergies or allergic conjunctivitis. This sounds worse than it is; basically the body launches the immune system against a foreign object seen as a threat and the result is an allergic reaction leading to dry, itchy eyes. Depending on the type of ocular allergy, the symptoms of dry, burning or itchy eyes can occur seasonally or perennially (throughout the year). In order to pinpoint your triggers, its best to see a health care provider for an allergy test. Then you will know how to avoid certain things within your control, such as pet dander and dust mites.

Read more about treating and allergies

Here are some natural ways to relieve dry, itchy eyes:

For prevention, sunglasses provide a physical barrier from the elements and help to protect sensitive eyes.

1. Herbal Compresses

A compress is made when a soft cotton cloth is dipped in an herbal infusion and applied to the eyelids.

How to make a compress

You can also go to an herbalist and have them prepare an infusion for you if you don’t feel comfortable making your own.

2. Warm compresses

The following herbs are used for eye conditions:

Chamomile is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory perfect for allergic reactions.

Eyebright is traditionally used for conjunctivitis (swelling of the membrane lining the eye) and can also be taken in pill form to support eye function. (Read how to make an Eyebright eye wash.)

Chickweed is used for conjunctivitis as it pulls out toxins and poisons.

Elderflower is an anti-inflammatory when applied topically.

3. Cool compresses

Rose petals can be made into a tea for the compress for relief from swollen eyes and puffiness.

Calendula (it was named herb of the year in 2008 by the International Herb Association) is an anti-inflammatory; it can also be used for scrapes, burns and bruises and even sties.

Agrimony is used as a soothing eye wash for irritated eyes.

4. Cucumbers

You’ve seen it in the movies and in every spa picture ever taken: a woman lounging in a white towel with cucumber slices on her eyes. It’s a relief to know that there is an actual point to this. Sliced cucumbers contain antioxidants and flavonoids that can reduce eye inflammation and irritation. So, if you’ve been petting your neighbor’s cat and your eyes swelled to the size of baseballs, get out the cucumber from your crisper!

You can use all of these remedies to provide relief once your allergic reactions start, but the best thing to do is find out what is causing the reactions in the first place.

You can also allergy-proof your home as much as possible. Use a humidifier in the home for drier climates and/or an air purifier to reduce the risk of dust mites and other air born allergens. Purchase hypoallergenic pillows and bedding to minimize reactions to wool, feathers, etc.  Above all else, taking care of your own health keeps your immune system strong and better able to cope with the environment.

The post 4 Herbal Remedies to Soothe Dry, Itchy Eyes appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Preparing For Bug Season https://naturallysavvy.com/live/preparing-for-bug-season/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:55:30 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/preparing-for-bug-season/ Anyone who is an avid camper or outdoor enthusiast knows the trauma of bug season. Whether you come across black flies, horse flies, fire ants or mosquitoes, these tiny creatures create giant-sized annoyances. They fly up your nose, buzz in your ear and potentially leave welts, bumps and intensely itchy red patches on your skin. […]

The post Preparing For Bug Season appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Anyone who is an avid camper or outdoor enthusiast knows the trauma of bug season. Whether you come across black flies, horse flies, fire ants or mosquitoes, these tiny creatures create giant-sized annoyances. They fly up your nose, buzz in your ear and potentially leave welts, bumps and intensely itchy red patches on your skin. On the more serious side, mosquitoes carry deadly diseases such as malaria in many parts of the world. So, aside from staying indoors what can you do to cope with these pests? Here are some natural ways to repel bugs that bite and buzz.

First of all, you can help the situation by wearing a hat. Some have mesh covering the face if you’re in a serious “war zone” or Australian cork hats have little cork pieces hanging from string that swing back and forth to act as a windshield wiper of sorts against incoming bugs.

Avoid traipsing around in the woods at dusk and dawn which are the prime times for our little friends. You can wear long sleeves and pants, although this may not be an appealing option on a sweltering hot day. In that case, there are sprays and oils to use on exposed skin.

Look for products with the following ingredients alone or in combination for an effective, natural repellent. Avoid the chemical-based treatments and opt for formulas using essential oils as the active ingredients.

Read: 5 or More Bugs You May Be Eating Every Day

Citronella: An essential oil traditionally used against mosquitoes, ticks and black flies, this well-known ingredient is in many products including candles, rubs and sprays. You can even get a citronella dog collar!

Clove: A study completed in 2005 on the efficacy of essential oils to repel mosquitoes, cited this oil as lasting the longest (two-four hours) and with 100 percent repellency. Citronella was one of the top performers as well.

Lemon Eucalyptus (also known as PMD) This is an essential oil used as a mosquito repellent and to prevent ticks from attaching to your skin; derived from the lemon eucalyptus plant this oil is shown to be as effective as products containing DEET without the adverse effects. Keep away from your mouth and eyes.

Camphor oil/Limonene: These two essential oils were shown to be the most effective components in a combination of oils to repel mosquitoes and flies.

For a more hands-on approach, you can make your own bug repellent! Here are some recipes from the David Suzuki foundation, an environmental and advocacy group:

Herbal Insect Repellent

  • 2 ½ teaspoons essential oil (any combination of basil, cedar, citronella, juniper, lemon, myrrh, palmarosa, pine, rose geranium, rosemary)
  • a few drops peppermint essential oil (optional, for fragrance)
  • 1 cup grain alcohol (eg. vodka)

Mix ingredients in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. If you like, you can transfer small amounts into smaller bottles that can easily fit in a backpack or purse. Experiment! Various oils best complement different body chemistries.

Essential Oil Bug Spray

  • 9 drops citronella essential oil
  • 9 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 9 drops lemongrass essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon grain alcohol (vodka)
  • ¼ cup spring water

Add all ingredients to a spray bottle. Let mellow for a few days, allowing the essential oils to blend. Spray on skin as needed or use as room spray (around windows and doors) to keep mosquitoes away.

Read: 25 Ways Essential Oils Will Make Your Life Way Better

Camping/Hiking Bug Spray

  • 3 ounces distilled water
  • 1 ounce grain alcohol (vodka)
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 3 drops citronella essential oil

Combine ingredients in spray bottle. Make this a few days before heading camping or hiking! The longer you can let it mellow, the more effective it will be.

Editor's Note: Naturally Savvy's sponsor, North American Herb & Spice, makes two effective essential oil-based insect repellants that are safe for adults, children, and pets too!

The post Preparing For Bug Season appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.
