Jennifer Hough, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Wed, 30 Jan 2019 17:43:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Abundance 101 Mon, 21 Jan 2019 06:00:46 +0000 Do you want to be abundant in all ways? Simply want what you already have. Look around you right now. Do you see everything you are blessed with, or everything you are missing? It actually requires exercising your "I see nothing but blessings around me, or opportunities to be blessed" skills. If you frame your […]

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Do you want to be abundant in all ways? Simply want what you already have.

Look around you right now. Do you see everything you are blessed with, or everything you are missing? It actually requires exercising your "I see nothing but blessings around me, or opportunities to be blessed" skills. If you frame your life that way, then you will wake up every morning excited to discover the blessings or the opportunities.

Let's say you've been talking about renovating your house, and now all you see is the ugly color of the wall, and the '60s shag carpeting-and every time you see it, you cringe. That's only because your perspective is that it needs to change. Perhaps it's a blessing that you have a wall to paint and an opportunity to be creative, and a blessing that you have warm carpet beneath you. I could certainly think of worse things!

Another example: maybe you do this about your body, too? Just think: the shape of your body matters so little compared to what that body has done for you.

So, how abundant are you? I have a challenge for you: generate a feeling of abundance that you can feel in your cells. Look around you, and collect as many examples of your prosperity as you possibly can. See if you can wipe the smile off your face!

Jennifer Hough

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Nature's Abundance Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:18:51 +0000  Literally, the resillience, beauty, and abundance that is nature is us because we are part of nature. Not above it, not the masters of it, and certainly not born to fix it. We are of it, in it, part of it, and naturally as abundant as Mother Nature. The true issue is remembering cellularly. We […]

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 Literally, the resillience, beauty, and abundance that is nature is us because we are part of nature. Not above it, not the masters of it, and certainly not born to fix it. We are of it, in it, part of it, and naturally as abundant as Mother Nature. The true issue is remembering cellularly.

We are one with nature and therefore innately abundant like the evergreen. I will spend the rest of my life expanding my experience of that reality while paying it forward!

Instead of attempting to figure out how to get to that level of abundance, just close your eyes right now and have the experience of being a part of the endless flow, power and prosperity of nature-because you are!

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The Speed of Manifestation Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:15:32 +0000 Have you ever had a desire and then been really impatient about it showing up? If you assume that Creation always has your back, then you know that it is coming in perfect timing. Stop taking score. The Universe delivers faster than the speed of light, so if you are waiting for what you asked […]

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Have you ever had a desire and then been really impatient about it showing up? If you assume that Creation always has your back, then you know that it is coming in perfect timing. Stop taking score.

The Universe delivers faster than the speed of light, so if you are waiting for what you asked for, you are the only one with your foot on the brakes.

Does the Universe judge you, assess your deserving, hold off or make decisions on your behalf? No, it does not. You see, the wonderful Creative Force that makes worlds is truly flowing right through you. It is what causes you to have life.

That means that your mind focuses that energy in whatever direction you put it. And based on the Laws that run the Universe, what you put your attention on is created instantly. It instantly exists in the ethers and is waiting for someone (anyone-including you) to line up with the creation.

What do I mean by line up with the creation? I mean feel the deserving, the worth, the love, the joy, and the abundance of your life, and be fully aware of your blessings, such that your desire seems like the obvious next step.

The Universe/quantum physics does not judge whether you deserve it, whether it's right for you, or it there is some other thing you should live to learn a lesson first. The Universe simply creates the perfect circumstances, place, and timing, and you will see it all unfold as you realize how "already blessed" you are.

If you would like to put the brakes on the process, simply believe that your life will be infinitely better when your desire comes to fruition. The Universe would never support that lie.

Your job is to find ways to feel blessed. Only more blessing should come.

Oh, by the way, when you launch a desire into creation, I highly recommend that you add the phrase "or better" to the end of your request. Why? Because your limited brain can only think of things in terms of what you have seen or experienced, and the Universe can see all possibilities.

So think of 3 blessings right now. Why not?

Nothing comes in "your timing" but it always comes in "perfect timing." Oh yes, it does! And when you notice something hasn't arrived yet, your foot is on the brakes! Let go, my friend.

Vroom vroom!

Jennifer Hough

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Feeling Happy vs. Being Happy Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:14:38 +0000 Everyone says that being happy is easier said than done. I don't agree, though. I think most people think that in order to be happy, that means that nothing "bad" happens to you. That is incorrect. Just because all is well and you feel happy… doesn't necessarily mean you are being happy. You see, someone […]

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Everyone says that being happy is easier said than done. I don't agree, though.

I think most people think that in order to be happy, that means that nothing "bad" happens to you. That is incorrect. Just because all is well and you feel happy… doesn't necessarily mean you are being happy.

You see, someone who is innately happy would be at peace regardless of the situation. Sometimes they won't "feel happy" but they will be at peace. Changing the circumstances to feel happy is much more difficult than finding a way to wake up to your infinite connection to Source, I think.

The difference between feeling happy and being happy is the difference between smelling home made chocolate chip cookies and eating 'em. Trying to feel happy instead of finding peace regardless of circumstances is like putting icing on a mudpie, or like putting lipstick on a pig. Or putting a happy face on an empty gas tank so you don't see it. You know what I mean.

Well, happiness in your SOUL means peace and joy. To find that, you have to remember who you are. It's not about thinking good thoughts. It's about waking up to the fact that you are a child of the same Universe that makes milky ways and galaxies, which means you are at least that loved, beautiful, and worthy. Then you won't have to put effort into your thoughts; they'll just default to good ones. That's Get Out Course in a nutshell, by the way.

There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. You can be happy, appreciative, blessed, peaceful, blessed, joyful, blessed, at peace, and then die OOOORRRRR you can worry, stress, complain, stress, worry, be frustrated and upset, and then die. Which version of life do you prefer?

There is always evidence for bad things, just like there is always evidence for good things. Where will you put your attention today? International Happiness Day is in July, but you can be happy every day!

Hey, I get down sometimes-and I'm at peace about that! That is called "being happy" because I know in the end all is well. Get it?

Jennifer Hough

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Cosmic Timing Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:14:20 +0000 So often we put pressure on ourselves to get things done yesterday. That is called "human timing". Who wants human timing when you can have "cosmic timing"-also known as "perfect timing." I started today with the same thing most people do: a list. I wrote down who I needed to talk to, where I needed […]

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So often we put pressure on ourselves to get things done yesterday. That is called "human timing". Who wants human timing when you can have "cosmic timing"-also known as "perfect timing."

I started today with the same thing most people do: a list. I wrote down who I needed to talk to, where I needed to go, what had to get done by when, etc. Guess what I forgot? I forgot to ask for perfect timing. Whenever I do ask for perfect timing, it may not get done on my timeline, but I meet the most amazing people, connect so many dots, and the outcome is so much more beautiful.

You see, when you get attached to when and how something happens, you are not in the miracle zone; you are back in a body on planet Earth. Ask yourself this: Is someone going to die if this doesn't happen on my timing? Will a movie monster swallow my firstborn? Will I be sitting in the cheap seats in Heaven? What is the very worst that can happen-and is it really that Earth-shattering? So what if your daughter misses piano or your son misses Karate? They probably wanted more time with you anyhow.

Time is on your side. Relax. You have no idea how many serendipitous meetings await you on this path. Remember, the only reason you invent stuff to do is because it gives you an excuse to live your life, meet people, and create stuff. We just invent deadlines to make the game more interesting.

Jennifer Hough

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Can We Love Everyone? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:45:11 +0000 "Creation is in love with everyone and we are children of Creation. So can we love everyone (whether an annoying teacher or a beautiful earth angel)? Yes, of course. Do we have to hang out with them. No, that's the grace of having preferences." Jennifer Hough. It's funny how often we collect evidence for why we […]

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"Creation is in love with everyone and we are children of Creation. So can we love everyone (whether an annoying teacher or a beautiful earth angel)? Yes, of course. Do we have to hang out with them. No, that's the grace of having preferences." Jennifer Hough.

It's funny how often we collect evidence for why we don't want to hang out with someone. We don't have to, because it is natural we would have preferences and it's not personal to the other person. On one level we do love everyone; we just instinctually have an affinity for some more than others.

Your flow: How much more time in the day would you have if you just followed your instincts without the need for justification and evidence that you're right? Imagine the freedom of being so present to Life's dance that everything is simplified instantly. Now here's the beauty of it: If you follow that instinct, it will always be in the highest for all. Even those we don't prefer. You are meant to be connected to the people you came here for.

Let Go of the Oars – Love your teachers and earth Angels equally. Before they get here, they knew exactly who they'd be to you, perhaps we could have compassion for the ones who got the 'dirty' jobs….LOL.

Remember, you've been both a teacher and an earth Angel to many, you world changer, you.

P.S. Did you listen to this yet? It's a very good recording about simplifying.

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