Beth Greer, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Tue, 01 Mar 2022 17:50:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Electrosmog: 10 Ways to Avoid Frying Your Brain Sun, 12 Dec 2021 06:00:39 +0000 Like smog created by air pollution, electrosmog is created by electromagnetic field radiation from cell phones, wireless computers and networks, and new utility technologies like Smart Grids, Smart Meters, and Smart Appliances. Electrosmog envelopes us 24-7: in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, even hotels and no one really knows the long-term effects on our health, or […]

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Like smog created by air pollution, electrosmog is created by electromagnetic field radiation from cell phones, wireless computers and networks, and new utility technologies like Smart Grids, Smart Meters, and Smart Appliances. Electrosmog envelopes us 24-7: in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, even hotels and no one really knows the long-term effects on our health, or on our DNA.

The ever-expanding electrosmog is comprised of several EMF or electromagnetic radiation fields of different intensity: from ELFs (extremely low frequency fields) to “dirty electricity” — a frequency that gets on wiring in our walls from electronics that contain transformers; from compact fluorescent light bulbs and dimmer switches to RFs (radio frequencies), and a subset of RF called microwave radiation emitted by cell phones, wireless networks and portable phones.

“All these radiation fields disrupt the regulation of the nervous system in our bodies,” said Camilla Rees, during a recent interview on my radio show “Your Super Natural Life.” Camilla, founder of, is one of the foremost advocates for safer cell phone and wireless technologies, and exposes the link between electromagnetic pollution and our health. “We are electromagetic beings,” she said, “and are especially vulnerable to unnatural electromagetic fields.”

Many people are becoming “electrosensitive” due, in part, to being exposed to more and more wireless devices like computers, printers and routers, cell phones, or from living near cell phone towers or antennas. According to Camilla, electrosensitivity can show up as acute symptoms like excessive fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, irritability, visual problems, memory loss, difficulty in concentrating, dizziness and cardiovascular disruptions. Long-term symptoms include conditions like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other chronic pain syndromes. “Even though you might not be experiencing symptoms now, doesn’t mean you won’t in the future due to increased exposure,” added Camilla.

Magda Havas, Ph.D., co-author with Camilla of “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution,” says that it can take just a small amount over a long period of time to be affected. “Symptoms of electrohypersensitivity have been demonstrated at exposures that are a fraction (0.04%) of U.S. exposure guidelines, in part because the guidelines themselves only take into consideration a 30-minute exposure, not chronic exposures.” Magda is also author of the new BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools Report,which ranks U.S. schools and shows parents and teachers how to gauge the risk of radiation exposure from neighborhood antennas.

What sets people up for greater sensitivity to EMFs?

Here are some factors that are known or suspected:

  • Excessive EMF exposure, as well as long-term exposure.
  • Any metal in the body, like metal dental fillings, implants, braces, metal prostheses and pacemakers, and deep brain stimulators for Parkinson’s.
  • Conditions like MS and Lyme Disease.
  • Excess levels of heavy metals in the body as well as genetic factors influencing detoxification.
  • Chronic infection in the body, including often hidden dental infections.

Ten Ways to Avoid Electrosmog Hazards

  1. Eliminate as much wireless technology in your home as possible. Rewire the most basic connections, like the computer to the printer and the computer to the Internet, for example. Turn off wireless at night so your body can rest and repair.
  2. Don’t sleep with electric blankets, electric heating pads or with electric clock radios or telephone answering machines near your head.
  3. Don’t let your teenager sleep with a cell phone under his/her pillow.
  4. Use a corded landline telephone instead of a cordless one.
  5. Don’t use your laptop computer in your lap, and while using a laptop turn the wireless Internet connection off in the software, except while you need it.
  6. If you’re pregnant, stay far away from things like smartphones, which emit very high magnetic radiation fields while in use that might cause miscarriage.
  7. If you live close to a cell tower, block radiation coming into your home by using special paints, film and fabric to cover your windows.
  8. Learn how to measure the various fields in your home by using meters and detection equipment that measure specific frequencies.
  9. Keep your immune system healthy by avoiding contact with toxic chemicals in your home and detoxing your body from time to time. Camilla says there seems to be a synergistic effect between the toxic chemicals we encounter that are accumulating in our bodies, and EMFs. She points to research showing higher body burden of chemicals in people who are electrosensitive.
  10. Be aware of metal in your life because metal reflects EMFs and can create hotspots. This would include, metal coils in mattresses, metal furniture, metal eyeglasses, metals in your mouth and metal underwire bras.


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10 Ways to Go Fragrance Free Sat, 07 Sep 2019 05:00:23 +0000 You may already know that fragrances can contain an unknown mixture of potentially harmful chemicals. Here are ten powerful ways to protect yourself from these toxic synthetic fragrances: How to go fragrance free 1. Avoid air fresheners. They are made with synthetic fragrances, containing phthalates. 2. Watch for any product that lists “fragrance” or “parfum” […]

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You may already know that fragrances can contain an unknown mixture of potentially harmful chemicals. Here are ten powerful ways to protect yourself from these toxic synthetic fragrances:

How to go fragrance free

1. Avoid air fresheners. They are made with synthetic fragrances, containing phthalates.

2. Watch for any product that lists “fragrance” or “parfum” on the label – these are FDA-approved catch-all words synonymous with hidden phthalates.

3. Products that claim to be “fragrance free” or “unscented” could contain masking agents that give off a neutral odor, so it is best if the word “fragrance” does not appear on the label at all.

4. Look for scents that are naturally derived or are plant-based or labeled as 100% essential oils. These are not the same thing as fragrance oils which are artificially created and contain synthetic chemicals.

5. If a product says “Made with…” it can mean as little as one percent of the ingredients in the bottle.

6. For scented candles, try those made from soy or beeswax, and make sure their fragrance is made from 100% essential oils.

7. To clear the air, use a non-aerosol citrus spray containing only citrus peel extracts, which are effective at dissolving airborne odors, instead of scented aerosol sprays, liquids that emit a continuous scent, or solid air fresheners.

8. Labels that claim a product is “natural” or “biodegradable” do not mean that it is necessarily free of synthetic fragrances or other chemicals.

9. Certified Organic products do not contain synthetic fragrances.

10. Make requests at hotels, car rental companies, dog groomers, schools, and offices to not use scented cleaning products.


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3 Easy Ways to Green Your Health Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:36:36 +0000 Image: martinak15 If you're like most people, a little voice inside your head has probably been telling you that it's time to get back to a more natural way of living and take a more serious look at the toxins in your everyday life. Even so, you may feel confused about the simple, practical things […]

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Image: martinak15

If you're like most people, a little voice inside your head has probably been telling you that it's time to get back to a more natural way of living and take a more serious look at the toxins in your everyday life. Even so, you may feel confused about the simple, practical things you can do to minimize your exposure and maximize not only your health, but your contribution to a cleaner planet. What if I told you that making small, simple changes in your everyday routine could make a huge impact on your health and well-being, as well as the health of our planet?

Studies are coming out frequently about how everyday chemicals in our bodies are resulting in health problems like learning disabilities, autism, cancer and infertility. Often, the impact chemicals have doesn't show up for decades, like with tobacco, for example. What is also unclear is what happens inside our bodies when we come into contact with different chemicals from lots of different sources. What are the risks for us and our children? Don't wait to find out! You can do something today, right in your own home. Become aware of what goes IN you, what goes ON you, and what is SURROUNDING you.

IN You: Your drinking water
If you think the water coming out of your tap is clean and health-giving… you'd be mistaken. America's tap water is contaminated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including antibiotics, pain medications, and antidepressants. Scientists are concerned that, even in small concentrations, these drugs could harm us over time because water is consumed in such large amounts every day. Our bodies may be able to deal with a big one-time dose of a chemical, but if a small amount is consumed continuously over years… no one really knows what can happen to our health.

Green Tip #1:
Play it safe: Buy a water filter and fill up your own reusable metal or glass water bottles at home. Get off plastic bottles. 8 out of 10 plastic water bottles used in the U.S. become garbage or end up in a landfill, contributing to global warming.

ON You: Your personal care products
Most of us use at least 10 cosmetic and personal care products a day and according to the Environmental Working Group, people apply an average of 126 unique ingredients to their skin daily. No one really knows what happens in our bodies when we repeatedly expose ourselves to minute amounts of synthetic chemicals from a variety sources.

Another way to absorb chemicals in our personal care products is through the mouth. When a drug like nitroglycerine is administered for a heart condition, it is given under the tongue for fast absorption. So are natural homeopathic remedies. So what happens with your toothpaste?

Green Tip #2:
Switch one thing you use most often in your bathroom. Your toothpaste, for example. Chemicals like fluoride, saccharin, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), triclosan and acetylpyridium chloride are in there. Switch to a natural brand that doesn't contain these chemicals or make your own.

SURROUNDING You: Your household cleaners
If you've ever walked down the household-cleanser aisle at the market and your eyes began to burn or your nose became irritated, it's because common cleaning products contain chemicals that can be more dangerous than the germs themselves. Every time your children roll around on the carpet or your pets lick crumbs off the floor, they are being exposed to noxious chemicals.

Don't make the assumption that if it's on the grocery shelf it's been tested and is safe. Most of us, unwittingly, buy products for our home with ingredients that are either poorly studied, not studied at all, or are known to pose potentially serious health risks. Of the roughly 17,000 chemicals found in common household products, only 3 in 10 have been tested for their effects on human health. Why? Because the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission does not require manufacturers to test household cleaning productsbefore they appear on store shelves.

Green Tip #3:

Use hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and baking soda to clean your home. Fill one spray bottle with a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and a second one with vinegar. Spray one right after the other. Use it to kill salmonella and bacteria on counter tops, appliances, and cutting boards. Do the same for the shower to kill bacteria and viruses. Use baking soda instead of commercial abrasive cleaners. Put it in a grated cheese container made of glass with a stainless steel top that has holes in it, and just sprinkle it on the surfaces and scrub.

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Lead in Your Dishes Can Be Toxic Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:52:28 +0000 Since there are many thousands of different makes and kinds of china, no one has tested them all. The Environmental Defense Fund says that really dangerous pieces of china are fairly rare, but some types of dishes are more likely to have lead. The EDF says to watch for: China handed down from a previous […]

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Since there are many thousands of different makes and kinds of china, no one has tested them all. The Environmental Defense Fund says that really dangerous pieces of china are fairly rare, but some types of dishes are more likely to have lead. The EDF says to watch for:

  • China handed down from a previous generation or found in antique stores and flea markets.
  • Home-made or handcrafted china, either from the U.S. or abroad, unless you are sure the maker used a lead-free glaze.
  • Traditional glazed terra cotta ware made in Mexico, unless they are specifically labeled as lead-free.
  • Bright colors or decorations inside surfaces that touch the food or drink, including the rim.
  • Decorations on top of the glaze instead of beneath it. If you can feel the decoration when you rub your fingers over it, or see brush strokes above the glaze surface.

Decoration that has begun to wear away or corrode or one that has a dusty or chalky grey residue on the glaze after the piece has been washed. This can be dangerous and should not used!


Don't store food or drink in questionable china pitchers, bowls, etc. Don't serve highly acidic food or drink in questionable china. This includes cola-type soft drinks; orange and grapefruit juice; applesauce and apple juice; tomatoes, ketchup, and spaghetti sauce; salad dressings with vinegar; tea and coffee.

Don't heat or microwave in questionable china. Heat can speed up the lead-leaching process.

Many experts believe that white china is less likely to have lead problems than highly decorated, multi-colored china. If you are concerned, the only way to be certain is to use glass dishes without decoration, buy dishes labeled "lead-free," or do a home lead test on your existing dishes. Simple test kits, costing approximately $13–$30 apiece, are available in most hardware and paint stores.

There are safe alternatives to everything you're using now. I show you easy ways to make important changes in every room in your house in my book Super Natural Home: Improve Your Health, Home and Planet—One Room at a Time.

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