Anita Kalmanchelyi, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:06:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How do we maintain our healthy lifestyle through the holiday season? Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:00:04 +0000 We’ve tackled back-to-school; albeit, we’re still learning. Canadians have enjoyed their first feast of the fall season, Thanksgiving, and the United States will be enjoying there's soon. But how do we maintain our healthy lifestyle and positive perspective with cases rising, flu season around the corner and the holidays drawing near? What was once – […]

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We’ve tackled back-to-school; albeit, we’re still learning. Canadians have enjoyed their first feast of the fall season, Thanksgiving, and the United States will be enjoying there's soon. But how do we maintain our healthy lifestyle and positive perspective with cases rising, flu season around the corner and the holidays drawing near? What was once – and likely will always be – considered the most wonderful time of the year has seemingly flipped into a familiar script where we’ll be forced to distance and celebrate through virtual screens or bubbles of 10 or less… not the holiday spirit we’re typically looking forward to.

So how do we keep going?

The best protection is finding a connection to yourself, family, and friends during these uncertain times. While we look to find a way to reduce stress, here are some tips to keep you, your family and friends, spirits high, lifestyles healthy, and perspective positive:

  • Eat healthy and create a nourishing environment for yourself and family. Think healthy whole foods packed with flavourful options.
  • Relax and practice self-care – create a spa day for yourself with essential oils. These oils have allowed me to create a balanced environment for myself and family.
  • Start a mindfulness practice – focus on the present and limit your exposure to media.
  • Listen to your body and connect with nature.
  • Get plenty of sleep.

Read about Stress, Sleep, and Natural Strategies That Work

What’s worked for me?

In combination with a variety of pure essential oils, derived naturally from plants, natural health products, personal protective masks, healthy eating, and a positive outlook, I have been able to find a balanced shift in how I manage my personal anxiety, which has a direct impact on my family.

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and an overabundance of environmental toxins can leave the body unbalanced and diminish energy levels.

Did you know, essential oils and essential oil-infused products can be added to your food to provide the targeted solutions you need to restore balance and feel your best?

Read about 5 Essential Oils for a Strong Immune System + Recipes

I strongly believe that a plant-based foundation is directly connected to building a strong immune system and allows our bodies to detox naturally. In combination with essential oils, which include aromatic diffusion, topical application, and dietary consumption, you can add the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.

My wish for you is that you find inspiration through these tips in combination with your own personal approach.

Read this next: Natural Fragrances to Scent Your Home this Holiday Season

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This Fall Season, Keep Your Family Protected – From the Inside Out Tue, 06 Oct 2020 11:00:14 +0000 As we enter the fall season, and we consider what’s next, we’re all grappling with fear, anxiety, and a lot of questions on what’s best for our children and families. We’re all holding on to the hope that we’ve made the best decisions for our families. Decisions that will keep them, and us, and others […]

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As we enter the fall season, and we consider what’s next, we’re all grappling with fear, anxiety, and a lot of questions on what’s best for our children and families. We’re all holding on to the hope that we’ve made the best decisions for our families. Decisions that will keep them, and us, and others safe, and protected all while trying to find a sense of normality to the second, unofficial, start to the year.

The next few weeks will be a telling tale of decisions made right, wrong, or predictive. And while there’s no use spending energy on what we should or shouldn’t do, we can be positive. We can be proactive. And we can be preventative…from the inside, out.

“It all starts with being open to what’s already working in your life and building a healthier mind, body, and spirit.” – Anita Kalmanchelyi

Learn more about Developing a Resilience Mindset

As parents, we all know that hands have the potential to carry germs into our bodies via our eyes, nose, and mouth. To that end, we have been diligent about frequent and measured hand washing routines, protective face shields, and physical distancing.

But how do we ensure all this while considering healthy eating habits for our families when back in the real world?

Learn about how Eating Organic Reduces Pesticide Exposure

For one, it starts with trust. Trust in yourself that you’ve shared with your family the best available information. Trust in your children (and partner) that they’ve got this. And trust in the education system that they have your child’s best interest at heart and will remain diligent with health and safety protocols.

It also starts with a positive perspective and an attitude of gratitude. We’ve seen the number of virus cases rising again and we have measures in place to keep us safe. We are fortunate to be able to send our kids back to school (in some areas) and that our teachers and educators have a plan to keep our youth growing and learning even if it is online. We can be thankful to our communities and humanity for coming together in a time of crisis to inspire, do good, and find resilience. In a time of so much anxiety and mental unrest, we’re all looking for the silver lining.

Personal Protection

Of course, personal protective equipment and physical distancing remain at the core of a solid recovery plan. We all understand the importance of face/mouth protection and the invaluable role they play in the prevention of spreading germs. But how do we ensure our kids feel heard, their smiles are seen, all while considering the removal of learning barriers that some of our children may experience as a result of cloth and medical masks? As we searched for a solution for our family, while still maintaining the integrity of a traditional face mask, we discovered the transparent face shield; it’s now our families go-to.

mask photo

So we have outside covered, but what about the inside? What many of us know at face-value is the importance of gut health but this is sometimes difficult to navigate. What makes us healthy starts from the inside, which starts with the proper nutrients, vitamins, and daily intake of fruits, vegetables combined with a balanced diet. Coupled with busy lifestyles, and the convenience of fast foods, we’re at a disadvantage when it comes to providing our families with the best food options. Enter an easy solution…certainly not the only option, but the one my family has found to work best – whole food based nutrition in a capsule. Still curious to learn more, check out these amazing research resources.

So here’s a quick recap on how to keep your family protected from the inside out:

  1. Have trust in yourself and use your gut intuition. 
  2. Foster a positive perspective and mindset for yourself and your family.
  3. Personal protective equipment remains essential, consider a transparent face shield.
  4. Health starts from the inside and it is great to start incorporating whole-food-based nutrition.

Bottom Line

As the year goes on and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the Holiday Season comes and goes, keep going. Keep learning. Keep adapting. And continue to keep your family protected front the inside out – one day at a time.

Read next: Healthy Habits for Managing Stress and Anxiety



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